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如何高速下载国外资源_IT互联网大叔的专栏-CSDN博客:2021-8-11 · 如可高速下载国外资源 jiese1990 做IT这一行,经常,下载一些国外的一些资源,可是让人蛋碎的是,往往这些资源下载都慢的像蜗牛,真的让人无法忍受.有时等待下载的时间比憋尿还难受.众前也听别人说过下载资源有技巧,可
By using preregistration, researchers can demonstrate that their studies have been conducted, analyzed, and reported as initially planned.
ZPID promotes preregistration via 手机翻国外网站教程 by offering a domain-specific repository (Repository Track) and, additionally, a free-of-charge data collection for high-quality preregistrations in the field of psychology (Lab Track).
Preregistrations submitted to PreReg in Psychology will be archived in PsychArchives, ZPID’s repository for psychological science, and receive a timestamp and a DOI (digital object identifier) to become citeable.
Successful applications for the Lab Track are awarded a free-of-charge data collection via the service PsychLab which comprises the option to finance the sample for an online study or to outsource the data collection of an eye tracking (or any pc-based) study to our on-site lab in Trier.
ZPID (Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information) is a public open science institute for psychology and supports researchers by providing services related to information search, study planning and preregistration, data collection, archiving, and publication. Find out more about ZPID via www.leibniz-psychology.org.